Dear Customer,
We would like to inform you that the Maestro debit card and the PRO24 cash card that you may hold, must be replaced with Probank24h Debit MasterCard. Probank’s new Debit MasterCard has a built-in chip technology for additional security for your transactions. This change is mandatory to comply with European Union unified rules.
Debit Card replacement apply ONLY to existing Probank’s Maestro & PRO24 cardholders!!!
If you do not hold any of these PROBANK cards, but you wish to apply for our new debit card Probank24h Debit MasterCard, please contact one of our our Branches.
Please fill in the following form below or call us at 210-4843100 in order to replace the existing Maestro debit card or PRO24 cash card with the new Probank24h Debit MasterCard.
Fields containing asterisk (*) are obligatory.