Who we are
The Bank was founded in 2001 by the initiative of Bank executives with substantial experience in the sector. The initial share capital was raised amongst 703 shareholders, including businessmen, private investors and Bank employees, each with a maximum percentage of not more than 5%, shaping its multi-shareholder character from the very beginning.
The Bank of Greece granted its authorization for the Bank’s operation on 21.05.2001 while in November of the same year the Bank launched its first branch. Moreover, in order for PROBANK to offer a comprehensive service framework to its customers, it founded subsidiaries specializing in Leasing, Autoleasing, Mutual Funds Management, Bankassurance as well as Financial Consulting Services, and so constituting a Group of universal banking and supplemental financial services.
Nowadays, PROBANK currently operates a network of our branches across Greece. For PROBANK the branch is the main point of contact with its customers, through which a wide range of financial services are offered, within the framework of a strong interpersonal customer relationship.
Whilst the branch is at the center of PROBANK's operations, from an organizational point of view, there where all banking activities are completed offering the desired flexibility that speeds up the customer interaction, the employees are the Bank’s most valuable asset. Thanks to their contribution on capital raising, and making the Bank a reality, they have managed in few years to develop its network and build its key indicators, without falling short in results. Today, the employees constitute the Bank’s major Shareholder.
The Bank has successfully turned profitable at its second fiscal year, moreover after the third year, it distributes dividends to Shareholders. The founding Shareholders formed the basis for the Bank’s existence and continue to actively show their support by participating in four capital increases (2004, 2006, 2009 & 2012), together with new Shareholders, in this way contributing to PROBANK's strong capital adequacy.
PROBANK was formed in order to offer a whole spectrum of Bank services through a organizational structure whose defining element is its customer service focus which is managed by dedicated, highly trained employees, in conjunction with modern technology at the branch level. This structure is enhanced by effective support and supervisory functions by the Bank as all the Group subsidiaries.
By the end of its first decade, PROBANK has become a Bank that is characterized by increased efficiency, by its multi-shareholder character having 6,204 Shareholders, by a dedicated personnel with excellent prospects of professional development as well as by its loyal customers that will recognize the high quality of the banking services offered, within the framework of a continuous, transparent and straightforward personal relationship with the Bank.
PROBANK was founded by its personnel. They participated in the initial capital, being prominent in attracting other investor’s participation. These very same persons developed, managed and steered a successful path to-date.
Most of PROBANK’s people share a common background and beginnings, and together have prospered upholding the highest of banking standards and values of responsibility, accountability and respect.This is why in such relatively short time, during its very early years, Probank developed rapidly, built its nationwide branch network and out-performed its peers.
The same persons continue to be present today and provide the foundation and role-model for more than 600 recruits that have been inducted into the Bank’s high values, unique culture and business model.
The management executives are also a part of PROBANK’s personnel.
PROBANK’s (most important) asset is its people, they are the Bank. They have founded and personally invested in the Bank, collectively are its largest shareholder. They indentify with the Bank its principles and values, and are proud in the knowledge that their integrity, hard work and unity will generate superior performance, create exceptional value for shareholders and just rewards for themselves.
Shareholders too, they have steadfastly supported the Bank answering calls for capital raisings whilst their ranks have swelled a clear indication of the of the trust and confidence in PROBANK by investors.
The Branch is the Bank; it is where relationships with customers originate and where all business is transacted. This concept, to build and maintain long term relationships, is the core of the Bank’s philosophy, personal service is provided, aiming to exceed customers’ expectations instead of applying hard selling techniques. That is why customers support PROBANK.
The Bank through the effort of its personnel, remained in course of success during these financially challenging years. The same people will continue to a more successful path, should Probank remains independent and free to tackle the challenges offered by the newly developed local banking environment, which undoubtedly keeps growth potential opportunities, so far unrevealed.
PROBANK’s people do know the job, are not afraid to work hard, as they have done it before and up to any future challenge.
PROBANK was created, in order to offer a full range of banking services, through an organizational structure, whose main identifier is the personal relationship with its customers.This is created and supported by a dedicated, high-lstandard staff, combined with modern technology at a branch level. The Bank's Headquarters complete the picture, offering the necessary control and support.
PROBANK’s strategy rests on:
“One-size-doesn’t–fit-all”– Customers have different needs – at PROBANK customers’ needs are matched to the right banking services
"The Customer is the focus" – customer-centric approach is the centerpiece of PROBANK’s strategy
"The branch is the Bank"– branch-centric structure provides customers with comprehensive banking service
"Focus on Staff" – PROBANK’s foundation is its highly skilled personnel and aims to attract others that will share its ideals and stay for the rest of their career
PROBANK’s first priority is the quality of the offering services, as well as, creating a working environment, in which professional and human values are promoted. Great emphasis has been given to the quality of the staff and the high level and continuous training. The relation between Administration-Staff-Customers-Shareholders is strictly regulated by professional, banking and meritocratic criteria without excluding the immediacy of a real personal relationship with the customers.
The centerpiece of PROBANK's business philosophy and strategy , is to provide full service to its customers, mainly through its branch network.
PROBANK has achieved after completing, its first decade of operation, to become a bank that is characterized by:
- loyal customers who recognize the high quality comprehensive banking services, through an ongoing, transparent and honest personal relationship with the Bank,
- high efficiency for its shareholders' benefit,
- a dedicated, well-paid, with career prospects, staff.
- Small and medium enterprises in all sectors of the economy, providing personalized banking services, based on direct and fast service for the entire range of financial needs.The Bank offers its customers high quality banking services that meet financing needs and cash management, for the implementation of both long-term and short-term investments.
- Individuals, offering solutions by choosing from deposit programs real estate and consumer loan programs - housing finance, which are formed according to the individual needs of each client.